
New Member Spotlight

Oct 22, 2018

Susan Murie


What are your earliest memories of being artistic? as a young child I loved being outdoors and making art at our picnic table.



When did art become a pursuit?  In college I learned to use a camera and work in the darkroom and my interest in making pictures went from there.



Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  Mostly self taught with several art classes taken while I was in college studying theater arts. I have taken art classes here and there in recent years: drawing and bookmaking.



Spring’s Rite, Cyanotype



In what other ways are you involved in the local art community?   I have participated in public art projects in Arlington such as Chairful Where You Sit, art on the Minuteman Bikeway and I served on the Arlington Cultural Council. I was on the Curated Fridge this spring!



What role do you think the artist plays in society?   We reflect on our world, creating work around the thoughts, feelings and ideas that emerge. Sharing that work opens up dialogue and puts a light on our common, deep experience of being alive.



What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?   I work with cyanotypes, a contact photographic process resulting in blue and white prints. About 10 years ago I saw an article about a restaurant in a magazine that had a wall full of botanical cyanotypes and I wanted to make images like that.



What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?   I photograph things I’m interested in, flowers, plants, leaves, landscape, overgrown landscape, architecture, stillife and then create negatives which I then compose on my hand-coated paper, develop in the sun and rinse. I am inspired by the natural world and metaphysical things.


Venus 3, Cyanotype



How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work?   I’m interested in the over-grown landscape, the beauty and menace duality of nature and fantasy flowers. These are the themes that have emerged recently. Most of my work has botanical elements, in great profusion within the frame of the print.



In your opinion what’s your best/favorite piece that you’ve made?   I almost always am most excited about pieces I’m thinking about and have just begun working on! I am developing some new work that will involve cut out layers of cyanotypes, assembled together. This departure from the traditional print into more of a construction is where my thinking is right now.



What is one of your artistic goals?   To do artist residencies in Europe.



What’s your favorite place to view art?  Small museums and public art.


Reckoning, Cyanotype



What living artists are you inspired by?   Artist and designer Es Devlin; New Zealand dance troupe, Black Grace; Cyanotype artist Meghann Riepenhoff.



Do you own any art by other artists?   Yes



Do you have any shows coming up?   Yes as part of the Cambridge Supported Art program, in Sept-Nov 2018, at CCTV Cambridge.



See More Susan!



Instagram:  @susankmurie