
Member Spotlight

Oct 24, 2018

Kay Dolezal


What are your earliest memories of being artistic?  Not until I was 48. A very sudden desire to make art which grew stronger and stronger until I left the profession I had worked in and took a day job so I could make art.


When did art become a pursuit?  I had to try out different things until I found what fit – and that was really craft. I worked for several years in the fiber arts and then in 1994 discovered beads. That has been my main pursuit since then although I do try other media.


Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  I have taken a number of courses over the years. I spent some time at courses at the Worcester Center for Crafts and found Haystack Mountain School of Crafts a wonderful place to take courses and find inspiration. And there were a number of excellent books published about the time I was learning.


Crazy Rhythm, Bead weaving, glass beads on cardboard tube


How did you first become involved with CAA?  I bought a small painting from CAA in the fifties. Then when I began to want to sell my work and show it I joined CAA. It feel like I’ve been a member forever, but I can’t remember exactly but I think close to 20 years ago – with maybe a break in there when I had some medical problems.


In what other ways are you involved in the local art community?  I’m part of The Time Project which is a group of ten women who meet monthly for mutual support and sharing work.


What role do you think the artist plays in society?  I think the artist – either professional or amateur or child or graffiti is vital to our humanity. People need avenues for expression in order to live full lives. We often do overlook the good cooks among us and those whose homes express parts of their spirit.


Bubble Wrap, Bead weaving, glass beads, nylon thread


What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?  I mostly work with beads. I fell in love with beads as soon as I discovered you could make fabric or objects with them. It happened their were some exciting bead artists at that time and some very inspiring and helpful books. So I was on my way. It wasn’t really until I joined the Time Project that I went back to exploring other media.


What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?  I do make work often in response to what is going on in the world. For example, the last piece I made was in response to the family separation policy of our current government.


How do you choose your subject matter? Do you think there is a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work?   I don’t think there’s a reoccurring theme.


Tissue of Lies, Bead weaving, glass beads, nylon thread



In your opinion whats your best/favorite piece that you’ve made?  That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child.


What is one of your artistic goals?  I want to make art until I die.


What’s your favorite place to see art?  I like the deCordova. I like the indoor and outdoor aspects of that museum.


What living artists are you inspired by?  Too many to name.


Do you own any art by other artists?  Just a few pieces.


See more Kay!
