
Member Spotlight

Mar 20, 2019

Helen Canetta



What are your earliest memories of being artistic?  My toddler years and opening my very first set of color markers. A whole new universe opened up in front of my very eyes. it was a surreal and enchanting experience.


When did art become a pursuit? About 4 or 5 years ago. In Italy was an escape and coping mechanism during difficult years. It very quickly became a passion and a relentless pursuit, chasing after my imagination and inspiration, trying to keep up with both.


Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  Art has taught me everything I know.


How did you first become involved with CAA?  The CAA is extremely active in the Cambridge area not just through its exhibits but also through its talks, workshops, and classes. I have worked in Cambridge for almost 10 years.


In what other ways are you involved in the local art community?  I occasionally attend talks by local artists, go to gallery openings. A few weeks ago, I took my 11-year old daughter to see a local giant installation and we both participated in a workshop on how to create a mixed media sculpture. What a thrill!


Lunar Landscape X, Acrylic Painting


What role do you think the artist plays in society?  Artists bring joy and peace. Artists bring solace and comfort. Artists bring hope and magic. We all need these things at one point or another in our lives.


What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?  I use acrylic paint either on mixed media paper or on canvas.


What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?  Life around me. Everything is a source of inspiration. Usually it is the smallest and most delicate things in life which I find the most poignant and significant.


How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work?  I don’t choose subject matters per se. I might start with a color palette and a range of emotions. I am currently working on a collection of pieces named “Lunar Landscapes” which is about escapism, poetry and reflexion through an abstract lens.


In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made?  The one I am currently working on. I truly feel that it is the best work I have done to date and it puts a twinkle in my eye.


What is one of your artistic goals?  I never want to lose my passion for art.


Lunar Landscape IV, Acrylic painting


What’s your favorite place to see art?  Art is all around us. Art is raw and it thrives in the most humble and the least expected or glamorous of places.


What living artists are you inspired by?  I recently discovered German painter/sculptor Anselm Kiefer. His work is mammoth, his pieces hit you like a tidal wave.


Do you own any art by other artists?  Yes. I feel that it is very important as an artist to be surrounded by other artists’ work. It is partly a karmic belief about giving and receiving. it is also about physically immersing myself in other people’s artistic vibes. Earlier this week, I treated myself to a wonderful painting by Santa Fe, NM painter Katie O’Sullivan. Such a vision!


Do you have any shows coming up?
I am thrilled to be participating in the upcoming CAA’s 2019 Annual Prize Show kicking off on February 7th through March 23.



See more Helen!

Instagram:  Sayhellotohelen
Facebook:  Helencanetta Abstracts