
Member Spotlight

Aug 01, 2018

Carol Wontkowski


What are your earliest memories of being artistic? I can’t remember NOT being involved in some kind of creative activity. As a child, and into my early 20’s, I would spend hours drawing.

When did art become a pursuit? In my early 20’s I decided on photography after having some surprising successful images, sailing one afternoon.

Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art? My background is a technical education; commercial and portraiture.

How did you first become involved with CAA? I submitted an entry to the “BLUE” exhibit and at the time, that garnered me membership.

In what other ways are you involved in the local art community? Due to physical issues I am limited but participate in some volunteer work and teach basic photography classes both private and in galleries and other venues.

What role do you think the artist plays in society?  Personally, I think art is a reflection of a society’s culture – politically, socially, morally. Technology is the leader and as it breaks down barriers or pushes the envelope, it seems everything else follows. Art expresses those changes.

What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium? I got a Polaroid camera when I was 12 but it wasn’t until my early 20s that some images I took on an afternoon of sailing that I decided on photography.

What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days? I look for the unusual in common, everyday things, how it is lit and how can I “woo”  it’s essence to create a mood or feeling about the image.

How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a recurring theme that carries throughout your work? Beauty, in its many forms, particularly through common, everyday things is intuitive to me. Transporting the viewer evocatively through my images is, I would say, the most rampant theme.

In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece your made? Wow. I think that changes over time. As I am continually creating new images, there is always one that grabs me, often replacing another.

What is one of your artistic goals for 2018?  I hope to continue to develop my photographic skills in a variety of ways.

What is your favorite place to see art? I haven’t traveled much but I would say the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

What living artists are you inspired by? Painters I would have to say Monet and John Singer Sargent. Photographers would be Fran Forman, Wendi Schneider, Ellen Jantzen, Tom Chambers, Chris Vanden Broeke to name a few.

Do you own any art by other artists? I do and hope to acquire more.

Do you have any shows coming up? Currently, I am showing at the Cambridge art Association’s ‘Still Life exhibit (thru August 31, Galatea Fine Art in the SOWA district of Boston, the Davis Orten Gallery in Hudson, NY, Griffin Museum of Photography (satellite gallery in Boston), Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction, VT. In September, I will showing work for the Wickford Art Association’s ‘Poetry and Art’ exhibit, and hopefully other potential galleries.

See More From Carol!



Instagram:        @2calori