
Member Spotlight: Barbara Fletcher

Apr 13, 2020



Q & A

What are your earliest memories of being artistic?  Growing up on a farm as a child I played and fantasized in the large barns in the back of my house. Working with my hands I assembled special environments for myself and these became my living sculptures. 


When did art become a pursuit?  In High School, working on the yearbook


Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  BFA Syracuse University from the school of visual and performing Arts


Monster Tsunami, Mixed media sculpture


How did you first become involved with CAA?  A friend is a member


In what other ways are you involved in the local art community?  I teach workshops with kids and adults and also belong to an number of other artist organizations.


What role do you think the artist plays in society?  To visually and psychologically stimulate the viewer. 


What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?  Early in my career I became a sculptor of paper, creating environments on a larger scale. 

All materials have limitations, so my processes and materials have changed. My interest in depicting human nature and its foibles however have never changed.

Ever- evolving in recent years I have arrived at mixed media art


Puzzled, Mixed media


What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?  I am a storyteller and an observer of nature and the nature of the human condition. Color, humor and animation are important aspects of my work.  Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Flemish art and Japanese woodblock prints were all early influences. 


How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work?  I have traveled to a number of third world countries over the years which opened my eyes to conditions in the world but it would take a number of years for my art and activism to merge. I became an observer of nature and the nature of the human condition and my work has focused mainly on environmental concerns. Ironically I sometimes use animals to express my isms.  My art has become a cathartic experience for me and hopefully gives some playful awareness and insight to my audience.


In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made?  My sculpture entitled Look Deep Into Nature. This was my first foray into outdoor temporary sculpture so there was the challenge of using materials that would weather.


What is one of your artistic goals?  To continue to work with new materials and be challenged by the possibility of creating more outdoor temporary sculpture. Also continue to focus on issues of the day.


What’s your favorite place to see art?  Art can be everywhere, in nature for example or architecture. But my favorite museums are The Peabody Essex Museum and The Whitney Museum in NY. I also love the Visionary Museum in Baltimore.


What living artists are you inspired by?  Frank Stella and too many to name!


Do you own any art by other artists?  I have commissioned and traded art with other artist friends.


Do you have any shows coming up?  Attleboro Arts Museum, Take a Stand voices of New England Sculptors. April 9th-May 8th. It will be online now only. Fuller Craft Museum Beyond Walls Sculpture from New England Sculptors June 19th- Oct.26th 

