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Member Spotlight: Margaret Scoppa

Apr 12, 2021

sculpture titled Sky's the Limit by artist Margaret Scoppa

Margaret Scoppa

About | Margaret has been evolving her art for her lifetime.  She has diverse interests and works with paint, mixed media, sculpture, pottery and found objects.

Margaret’s current focus is sculpture: bricolages of found and handmade objects. Her work is both profound and whimsical, and her pieces are thought provoking and sometimes puzzling.  She is captivated and inspired by materials and how things connect and can fit together.

She will catch your eye and draw you in through the use and power of mundane things and the mix of materials.  Margaret’s work is often surprising in composition and how materials are used, often in very different ways.

Margaret’s development has been enhanced by studies at the Museum School of Boston, Bennington College, Boston Architectural Center, deCordova Museum, Castle Hill Center for the Arts, Fine Art Work Center, New Art Center, and with the Crit Lab led by Patricia Miranda.


What are your earliest memories of being artistic? My mother loved to draw.  And as a child, my brothers and I would ask her to draw for us.  We would sit around the kitchen table and watch her draw something around the house—our cat or a bird in the yard. This influenced me to start drawing too.


sculpture titled Sky's the Limit by artist Margaret Scoppa

Sky’s the Limit, found objects


When did art become a pursuit? I have always been interested in making things. But it wasn’t really until I retired that I devoted my time to really focus on my art practice.

Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art? I am mostly self taught with some exposure to workshops and classes.

How did you first become involved with CAA? Many years ago, I was a member.  I was later invited to be a part of a show, which has brought me back to CAA.

In what other ways are you involved in the local art community? For many years, I was involved with the New Art Center.  I also served as a Docent for a few years. In 2017, I (and two other artists) designed a piano for “The Artful Piano Project,” displayed and played for the Newton Festival for the Arts. I am also a long time member with the Truro Castle Hill Center for the Arts.


sculpture by Margaret Scoppa titled Havana

Havana, found and made objects


What role do you think the artist plays in society? Encourage people to make things.  Do it together.  I’ve met the best people just being involved in making art.

It is social, and it is fun. During the pandemic, it really hit me how important it is and how I have missed it.

What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium? My current focus is working with all kinds of “stuff” and building small sculptures.  I love to forage for things and look at these things in a different way.  I think this medium chose me, but it was a class taught at New Art with Carol Blackwell that cemented my interest.

What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art? I love to play with my materials.  Sometimes, my process involves cleaning my studio and just being around the pieces I have collected.


sculpture titled "Chitty, Chitty Boom" by artist Margaret Scoppa

Chitty, Chitty Boom, found objects


How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme? I’ve always loved to make places.  Sometimes moving, sometimes self contained.

In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made? Many years ago, I made a little cart and with three dogs sitting in it.  It is very silly, but it gives me joy every time I look at it.

What is one of your artistic goals? Finding new ways of working with different materials and getting back to painting and collage work.  Working bigger.

What’s your favorite place to see art, and why? I enjoy wandering around and finding local art.

What living artists are you inspired by? So many but Gerard Cambon, Betye Saar, Andy Goldsworthy, John T. Upchurch and Varujan Boghosian (who recently passed away).

Do you own any art by other artists? If so, what artists? Yes, but my favorite piece is a painting by Carmella Salvucci.

Photo of artist Margaret Scoppa

See more from Margaret



Margaret is featured in our exhibition Give and Take, which highlights five CAA members that engage with collage thinking in their work. The show runs from April 1–April 30, 2021.