
New Member Spotlight

Mar 18, 2019

Diane Englander


Ultramarine on Tan with Lines and Red Marks, mixed media on paper


What are your earliest memories of being artistic?  I never thought of myself as “artistic” growing up, at least partly because I wasn’t skillful at rendering an image. But my mother always had on display the little figures I had made in ceramics, and I tried to imitate (at young ages) artists such as Marisol and Calder, with improvised materials at home.


When did art become a pursuit?  Not until my children (for whom I had always provided many art-making outlets) were nearly grown did I come unequivocally to the need to make art myself.


Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  I was a student at the Art Students League in NY for two years, which meant MAYBE some time with the instructor once a week. Nonetheless, that time with that instructor was hugely important.


What role do you think the artist plays in society?  I think different sorts of artists play different roles. Just today I got an email from someone who owns a couple of my small canvases. He said, “Your art has regularly brought beauty and clarity before my eyes.” So that’s a role. I hope I also help people feel both greater serenity AND a heightened sense of being alive. But that’s just the role I’ve found for myself as an artist.


Pale Green on Tan with Black Lines and Speck, mixed media on paper


What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?  I am inspired by materials and am usually working in various media at the same time. I choose the medium that, when I look at the material, I want to make something with it!


What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?  Please see above about materials.


What’s your favorite place to see art?  Metropolitan Museum


What living artists are you inspired by?  Oh gosh. Many. Phyllida Barlow most recently.


Red Form and Lines, mixed media on canvas


Do you own any art by other artists?  Yes.




See More Diane!


Instagram: @DianeEnglander