
New Member Spotlight

Jun 10, 2019

Joanna Muehleisen


Untitled, Oil paint on board


What are your earliest memories of being artistic?  Painting on the dock, feet in the water -with joy


When did art become a pursuit?  Truly as long as I can remember is been important, a container for feelings and thoughts


Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art?  I had a grandma & two aunties who painting with me and then went to study painting at MassArt


How did you first become involved with CAA?  As a student I showed work in a CAA show, the call for work being ‘Red’, which drew me right in. Now I live here with my two girls and Cambridge is home.


Untitled, Acrylic on canvas



In what other ways are you involved in the local art community?  I paint and draw at Vernon Street Studios in Somerville, on River Street at a studio there in Hyde Park and at home. Different bodies of work at each place. I was a member of a local band for several years and involved in music as well.


What role do you think the artist plays in society?  It’s a place to allow people to think and feel. Art creates an extra room – to gather in with others or to be alone in. A place to reflect and gather ones self. A place to search and to be still.


What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium?
I paint currently with acrylic mainly. I like the limit of the 2D being my box and my colors. What can I find inside those limits ? I usually work in several series at the same time. My mind works like that.


What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days?  The music I paint to is very important. Nature is very important for me -to take the time to be immersed in something big. Each series I am working on, I am thinking of different things. My Personal relationships, theology, psychology.


How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work?  The subject matter is feeling and through the paint itself -what colors and marks that I make can express what I’m feeling?
Like music without words.
Sometimes joyful and exuberant, sometimes still and sensitive, sometimes restless and upset.


Untitled, Oil on board 




In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made?  I’m excited about a new series of of 12 bright and very still paintings/drawings that have sewing in them. They are delicate and I feel I know them. As if they are friends I didn’t know I had? Maybe I like them best because I just made them? I’m not sure..


What is one of your artistic goals?  I would like to keep up with the discipline I been able to start this year, since both of my kids are in school full time of having very regular studio hours.


What’s your favorite place to see art?  I love the treasures we have in the Harvard Art Museum and the MFA- visiting the work there feels like visiting dearly loved friends. I’ve gone there regularly in good times and more often in bad times for solace and direction and they deliver.

I also love my kids art for their freedom and honestly- it’s beautiful!


What living artists are you inspired by?  Gerard Richter, such empathy in his search


Do you own any art by other artists?  Yes! Wonderful local artists: Samantha Fields, Sue Murad, Jenni Alden, and others.


See more Joanna!

Instagram: @joannamuehleisen